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        RACING FORUM >> New CEO for the BHA
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Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:44 am

The current CEO for the BHA has announced she is leaving at the end of the year. Thank goodness! The new CEO will have an even harder job to get the sport into some sort of sustainable condition. First of all they MUST get back control of ALL area of the sport that were given away to the race tracks and Horsemen stakeholders. Once consolidated power has to be channelled through a new and dynamic board to deliver a real tough sustainable plan for the future and that plan will then need to be implemented ruthlessly. They must regain control of the fixture list which was frittered away under the current leadership as this is central to imposing sustainability. The tracks and the bookmakers are going to have to get used to the idea that there will be less racing. Opposition to the plan could result in the transfer of fixtures being imposed and if the bookmakers kick off a PMU system of betting installed. It is beyond belief that people think a commercial concern can be run by numerous factions all with different objectives and interests. Successful business is invariably run by a single all powerful, individual or board of like minded people. I was not much of a fan of Richard Nixon as US President but he was responsible for one of the best quotes for business managers. 'When you have got them by the balls, their hearts and minds usually follow'. Reply
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